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There are several ways to help us achieve our goals and it's definately not always about funding but money does help. Currently you may contribute by monetary donation, volunteering your time or providing some service needed. Make sure you register on the Martial You website so we can include you in our efforts. As tasks are generated they will be assigned to those who have the skills to complete them. Contact Shawn Hill to find out what potential services are currently needed to help with this project.

You may also help us by spreading the word about our efforts or by display with one of our various logoed items we are selling to raise money.

Also we need the services of an audio / video tech that can help with hi-def informational videos to be placed online and used internally for students and instructors.

Fundraising items such as T-shirts, uniforms, warm-ups, hats, jackets, stickers, key chains and other logoed paraphernalia are always needed.

Basically there is no end to how someone can contribute and help make this community martial arts center something we can all be proud of.

Please visit our Donations Page for more information on how you can contribute.