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Brought to you by:

The Bangor YMCA & MARTiAL YOU 

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On Sunday October 28th 2012 the Bangor YMCA and MARTiAL YOU collaborated in an effort to put on a Pre-Halloween celebration for the local community. The event was designed to give back to the community and help raise awareness of the programs offered through the YMCA.


Among the programs offered are martial arts classes in American Freestyle Karate, Shaolin Kempo and TaeKwonDo. MARTiAL YOU, which is dedicated to promoting martial arts and keeping it accessible, organized a martial arts demonstration to showcase these programs and those students who are enrolled in them.


Turn out for the demonstration was greater than expected and seemed to be received well. Several students of varying ranks from separate programs and different disciplines came together to perform in a crowded studio of community members. Everyone did a great job and we are proud to have been part it!


The Pre-Haloween Family Bash was heavily reliant on volunteers and sponsors to be a success. We cannot emphasize enough how important each and every person was in making this happen. All those who worked behind the scenes as volunteers, staff members and those that contributed to this event as a sponsor deserve high praise for helping make our celebration safe, fun and successful.

As you may or may not know, originally the first 100 Kids in the door were to receive a free goodie bag which included a Chili's Kids Meal coupon. Thanks to Texas Roadhouse in Bangor Maine, we were able to hand out another 150 goodie bags with a Texas Roadhouse kids meal coupon. Between these two sponsors approximately 250 free kids meals were handed out during the event!

Congratulations Kim Daigle for winning our family dinner and a movie package! This package was courtesy of both Chili's in Bangor and Bangor Cinemas.


VaseOfEyeballs-200Also congratulations to Dakota Bas for coming the closest to guessing how many eyeballs were in our vase of eyeballs. The vase contained a total of 98 plastic eyeballs and Dakota guessed 97. We had several guesses of 100 but no one guessed the actual number so the vase remains till next year.

More details coming soon...